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Namma Bengaluru boy Yash Aradhya takes on the Next Big league

With 13 championship podium, 52 Race podiums and 11 awards in a span of 6 years, Yash now moves to the big league with Formula BMW and Formula 1600
Bangalore | Written by: BNN Team | Updated: 20-06-2018 | Views: 1811
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After dominating in Go Karting for nearly 6 years with Multiple National Championship and being crowned as the National Champion (Rookie) FLGB in his debut year at the JK Tyre National Racing Championship FLGB, Namma Bengaluru boy Yash Aradhya, a student of Bishop Cottons Boys School and a racer with Team MSport, now moves to the big league.

He has signed up for participation in the most prestigious JK Tyre Formula 4 BMW-FB02, where he has been given a scholarship drive by the virtue of him winning various National Championships conducted by JK Tyres. Further, Yash has also signed up with JA Motorsports for participation in the MRF Formula 4: 1600 for his season 7 in the year 2018, under the guidance of his mentor Akbar Ebrahim and his team MSport.

Yash recently tested the Formula 4: 1600 at Coimbatore under the tutelage of Armaan Ebrahim and Aditya Patel as a pre-preparation for the coming season. This was the first time Yash was driving this racing machine and was quick to adapt to them. Armaan who has been mentoring Yash from his early days said, “Yash has been part of our team from day one of his motorsport career, and our team has planned stage wise progression for him and he has delivered so far. Yash is a hardworking and focused racer. I am confident that he will work hard to be on the top this season as well.”

With these championships in mind, Yash utilized his school holidays very well by getting himself fitter at Quantum leap performance Chennai under the guidance of Ramji Srinivasan for almost 45 days. Speaking about his fitness readiness, Ramji Srinivasan said “At quantum leap, we ensure that our athletes are ready for their optimum performance at any point of time, Yash is one of our student who is extremely focused and has been working hard with a clear focus to be the best. In Yash I see the kind of perseverance and focus like that of a top-level athlete. Yash is under our care and guidance for the last 4 years and his work out regime included strength, endurance, lightning reflex, core strength and stability. It has been a delight to work with such passionate and dedicated athlete who at such a young age has this level of maturity and focus about his goal, which is rare. I am sure Yash will go place in the days to come.”

After being molded by some of the best coaches in the country, Yash has been leaving his footprint in whatever he has been participating, it is now time for Yash to once again prove to his mentors and the world at large that he is in it to win it.

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